GSC Game World, Head of Production Organization
About speaker:
Dmytro is an inquisitive inventor in mind and a tinkerer at heart with regard to organizations. Having worked in different product, project, and organizational leadership positions for over 13 years and dealing with companies of many shapes and sizes, he (still!) likes to work with people and organizations to help them achieve their full potential. With ongoing studies in psychology and coaching to complement that experience, he started a consultancy that helps companies find their path and purpose and build themselves based on them. Seeing people and organizations find their purpose and drive what they do around it has become a passion and a joy to him.
Presentation topic:
What dreams may come or how to practically use vision and mission as organization development tools (UA)
More about presentation:
By now, you’ve heard a lot of vision and mission statements from all over the world. Some sound like cheap marketing, others like a tagline from “Highlander” (there can be only one!), and then some are just there as a placeholder for when the company finds a Chief Vision Officer.
But there are others. Others that spark interest connect with you on a deeper level and feel like something you can stand behind. Where does this difference come from? And how can companies use vision and mission to their advantage?
These are the questions we studied in Organizational Pathfinders for several years and how the HERO model was born.
At the presentation, I’ll talk about:
• What are vision and mission statements?
• How do you chose a good one?
• How to practically connect them to every employee’s goals and inspire the most engagement.