ZONE3000, Head of Delivery

Igor Dumbur

About speaker:
Seasoned project management professional with unique project delivery experience across multiple domains, such as software development (including SaMD and Medical Device Software), multidisciplinary construction engineering and large-scaled industrial construction. 

I'm passionate about: 

• delivery management and process setup

• organizing and leading large-scaled geographically distributed engagements with successful outcomes

• fostering strong client relationships to ensure client satisfaction and long-term partnerships

I have structural engineering and construction project management background. Also I practice muay thai and fullstack Javascript programming with Mongo, Express, React and NodeJS as a hobby :)

• Project Manager Professional (PMP)

• Certified Project Manager (IPMA Level C)

• Professional Scrum Master (PSM I)

• Delivery At Scale (ICAgile DaS)

Presentation topic:
Кейс: встановлення базових планів в Enterprise Level проекті (UA)

More about presentation:
1. Ініціація проекту:

• проблемні фактори

• початкова стратегія проти проблемних факторів

• Elaboration phase як суб-проект

• розуміння "великої картини"

2. Встановлення базових планів:

• Feature baseline

• Requirements and Specs baseline

• Backlog baseline

• Schedule baseline

• Як це може виглядати на проектному Burndown Chart'і

3. Ключ до адекватного репортінг

4. Ключові висновки