Rostyslav Chernenko

About speaker:

  • 12 years in Project and Program Management


  • VP of Volunteers at PMI Ukraine Chapter

  • Secretary of Ukrainian National Standardization Committee for Project Management (ISO TC 258)

Presentation topic:
Ukrainian version of PMBOK Guide (7th edition) (UA)

More about presentation:

  • The team introduction.

  • How to manage a volunteer project where no one pays the team money, but on the contrary - the team spends their own money? Under what conditions did PMI allow translation and publication? Where did we get the money for it?

  • How was the terminological work organized and around what terms did the fiercest holy wars take place?

  • Demonstration of the main deliverable of our project - Ukrainian PMBOK Guide, 7th edition.

  • What are the team's plans? How to join?

Member of Ukrainian PMBOK Translation Team, PMI Ukraine.