Skelar, Product Lead
About speaker:
Mark Opanasiuk is an experienced product manager with over seven years of product experience in B2B SaaS environments (ex-Product Portfolio Manager at EPAM), and IT product startups (ex-Head of Mobile Product at GMEM by Genesis, currently, Product Lead in Skelar venture builder) acting in both individual contributor and people manager roles. Mark excels in delivering web and mobile products that solve complex customer problems and generate value for the company. He brings strategic vision, effective stakeholder management, customer development, and roadmap prioritisation skills to his role.
He is also passionate about sharing his product knowledge and insights with the product community, hosting Product Market Fat, a Ukrainian product management podcast, and mentoring aspiring product managers.
Presentation topic:
How to leverage your work with a Product Mindset (UA)
More about presentation:
Авдиторія: бізнес аналітики, продакт овнери, проджекти, делівері менеджери, розробники з сервісних компаній та продуктових команд.
Буде трохи теорії та багато прикладів як прокачувати продакт майндсет на особистому рівні, в команді, та в цілому в організації.