SoftServe, Vice President of Delivery | Customer Success Leader | Financial Services

Oleg Mizov

About speaker:
I am a Thoughtful Leader in Technology and Financial Services domain. For more than 15 years of my professional career I help my customers to achieve their strategic goals being their true technology partner and providing hyper-care and extraordinary quality in day-2-day delivery.

A secret sause of my success is building and growing Solution Teams of dedicated professionals. Together we aggregated unique expertise in Banking, Wealth Management, Investment, Capital Markets, Risk & Regulation, Fintech and Payments. This enabled us to talk the same language with our customers and deliver fit-for-purpose solutions that resolve the actual business problems.

Besides the aforementioned I enjoy being a contributor to strategic initiatives that are aimed to transform my organization. I am also an initiator of Blockchain Community and key driver of Blockchain and Payment Security Competency development. Expert group leader who defines golden standards to Project HealthCheck and Project Excellence Models. A mentor, lecturer and speaker at professional conferences and events.

Presentation topic:
Аналіз сценаріїв розвитку українського ІТ у воєнний та післявоєнний час (UA)

More about presentation:
1. Чому так сталося? Глобальні та українські чинники падіння ІТ у 2022–2023р.

2. Що може статися? Сценарії розвитку та відбудови ІТ сектору

3. Що робити? Роль РМа та шляхи мінімізації негативного впливу на проект