PM Models |
09:30 – 10:00 Registration |
10:00 – 10:45 Покинуті інженери: хто працює зі станом фахівців?(RU)Viacheslav Pankratov Самовмотивовані команди і високоефективні інженери - це добре. Скрам-майстер, який працює на мітингах так, що люди виходять на підйомі і кидаються бажати завдання - звучить реально круто. Пропоную розібратися з причинами масового поширення питання вигоряння фахівців з точки зору реалій галузі: методології, результати, ресурси і люди. Хто цим займається, хто стежить за станом і чому це все схоже на одну велику системну проблему. |
10:45 – 11:30 3 practical methods for team creativity (UA)Volodymyr Oros Do you use Brainstorming method every time you need to comeup with creative ideas? If yes, then maybe it's a right time to come and learnsomething new – something that could be your next favorite tool. We'll review 3techniques from Harvard University course "Creativity and Innovation" which arebased on scientific work and wide practical applications for improving teamcreativity process. |
11:30 – 12:15 Plan ahead like James Bond does or precise project estimate without all the project details (RU)Tatiana Gaidamaka |
12:15 – 13:00 Сервіс під тиском (RU)Dmytro Zinoviev - Сервісна організація під капотом |
13:00 – 13:45 CYNEFIN frameworkDave Snowden |
13:45 – 14:30 Building a Dedicated Team for NASDAQ Listed US Company (EN)Olga Grom In presentation I will discover the MOC Global journey of building partnership with NASDAQ listed global company LivePerson - one of the leaders in conversational commerce and business automation. All happening during crazy 2020. It will contain the practical cases and our insights. The key points:
14:30 – 15:15 Як не померти від Zoom-а (RU)Konstantin Koptelov |
15:15 – 16:00 Making Agile Easier: Coaching the Support Organizations on Agile (EN)Mike Palladino An Agile Transformation involves more than teaching teams how to use Agile. Supporting organizations need to change the way they engage with Agile teams. Coaches must also work with supporting organizations and bring them along for the Agile Transformation journey. The type of coaching is different than coaching Agile Teams. This presentation will cover intermediate and advanced Agile topics, such as: |
16:00 – 16:45 The Power of Implicit: How Untold Stories Influence Business Outcomes? (UA)Alex Yakyma A team's plan of action contains a lot more than the team might think; a progress metric may hide much more than just a number; a group discussion carries a lot more than has been explicitly stated. No wonder that our actions so often have unintended consequences. Whether you are a leader, a team member, a facilitator or a coach, to succeed with your complex tasks, you must learn to see beyond the obvious. Complex enterprise environment is filled with implicit cues and in this session, we will talk about how to effectively navigate them. |
16:45 - 17:30 Вплив емоційного інтелекту на прийняття рішень в управлінні проектами (RU)Dmytro Lukianov |
17:30 - 18:15 Таланти: безперервне постачання (RU)Maryna Melnyk Як організувати роботу з людьми, щоб не було простоїв при наймі, проблем з вигоранням, демотивацією і несподіваних звільнень. |
18:15 - 18:30 Conference Closing |
Agile |
09:30 – 10:00 Registration |
10:00 – 10:45 Decision making principles that boost commitment, quality and goal achievement (EN)Pieter Van der Meché |
10:45 – 11:30 Leading self-managed teams (EN)Angel Diaz-Maroto |
11:30 – 12:15 Unconference |
12:15 – 13:00 Top-7 помилок при впровадженні Scrum (UA)Helen Lubchak Сьогодні важко знайти людину в ІТ сфері, яка б не знала що таке Scrum. Більш того, навіть не ІТ сфери вже активно використовують гнучкі підходи не перший рік. Але при цьому перехід від "як ми працюємо зараз" до "ми працюємо по Scrum" може бути досить болючим. Зокрема, через помилки при його впровадженні. У своїй доповіді я поділюсь типовими помилками, які спостерігала та робила сама при впровадженні Scrum. За більш ніж 15-річний досвід в ІТ та 7 річний досвід консультанта, мені вдалось зібрати цікаву підбірку типових помилок. Саме нею й буду ділитись з вами, або ви могли впровадити Scrum не повторюючи їх. |
13:00 – 13:45 HR і ScrumMaster: партнери чи конкуренти? (RU)Artem Bykovets Заглядаючи глибше в опис завдань і області роботи Скрам Майстра (або Agile Coach) в організації мені все частіше ставлять одне і те ж питання:" але ж тут дуже багато перетинається з тим, що повинні робити HR! ". У цій короткій доповіді пропоную поговорити про важливість ролі HR і вплив на ментальні моделі людей в компанії, а як наслідок існуючі челенджі для "Agile трансформацій" і тд. Обговоримо на простих і зрозумілих прикладах:
13:45 - 15:15 Unconference |
15:15 - 16:00 Як культура заважає робити проекти (UA)Artem Serdyuk
16:00 - 16:45 Why should I care about Disciplined Agile?Kiron D. Bondale PMI acquired DA (Disciplined Agile) in late 2019. So what? Did PMI just jump on the agile bandwagon as a "cash grab"? What are the benefits to me as a PM? This presentation will answer these questions by providing you with a better understanding of what DA is (and isn't), how DA addresses some fundamental issues with agile methods/frameworks and a review of key Disciplined Agile concepts. |
16:45 - 17:30 Minimum Viable Bureaucracy - Scaling Scrum from one to hundreds of teams without creating unnecessary overheadAlex Karasyov As organizations scale and create more agile teams, it becomes harder and harder to coordinate these teams. In this presentation, we will look at creating an agile organization with:
These are key components of the Scrum@Scale framework created by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum. |
17:30 - 18:15 Unconference |
18:15 - 18:30 Conference Closing |
Product |
09:30 – 10:00 Registration |
10:00 – 10:45 The three legged stool for product development (EN)Steve Bauer, Jane Register Creating a valuable product requires a balancing act between three different areas; what the market wants (desirability), what the business wants (viability), and what is technically possible (feasibility). To do this different roles need to work together; product management, user experience and engineering. Each of these become legs of a stool working to support the product. What does the three-legged stool look like in an Enterprise B2B organisation? How does it help you focus on creating awesome products? What are some of the key learnings of working together? |
10:45 – 11:30 Spotify framework (tribes and squads) as efficient team collaboration tool (RU)Igor Protsenko |
11:30 – 12:15 Як синхронізувати роботу 8-ми продуктових команд в умовах однієї екосистеми? (RU)Alexander Marchenko
12:15 – 13:00 The product lifecycle - how to build the right thing? (EN)Noam Auerbach
13:00 – 13:45 How to modernize 100 year old classic rental business during pandemie and still survive? (UA)Taras Yarosevych |
13:45 - 15:15 Unconference |
15:15 - 16:00 Advanced Product Analytics: What all these numbers are trying to tell us? (UA)Rostyslav Chayka |
16:00 - 16:45 Radical Product Thinking your way to a strategic role as a product manager (EN)Radhika Dutt It often seems that building world-changing products is reserved for the rare few with an innate gift for anticipating what customers need and knowing just how to deliver it. But what if each of us could develop this intuition for building successful products? Until now, without a methodology for developing this intuition, we've tried to fill this gap through iterative execution. If you're focused on execution, however, it's easy for your role to become tactical and administrative. How do you take on a more strategic role? How can you level up by developing an intuition for building successful products? |
16:45 - 17:30 Product Reinvent Tech Stack at the Largest Apparel Resale Marketplacet (RU)Anton Naumenko |
17:30 - 18:15 How to use Storytelling to deliver powerful Product Visions (EN)Connie Kwan |
18:15 - 18:30 Conference Closing |