Ukrsibbank, Head of Transformation

Svitlana Tiugaieva

About speaker:
I drive the Transformation office of UKrsIBBANK for more than 6 years. The current scope of transformation includes operational excellence through agile@scale and lean, focused on customer experience ensuring that our organizational changes align seamlessly with the people side of change.

I do believe that real changes should be rather evolutionary, taking all the achievements and strong skills, but giving up anachronisms and legacies, which is not always easy to differentiate. 

I’ll be discussing how we’ve approached this transformation, the strategies we’ve employed to integrate change effectively, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. I’m looking forward to sharing insights and engaging with all of you.

Presentation topic:

AHP метод для приоритезації ентерпрайзу (UA)

More about presentation:
Розкажемо про досвід вибору методології приоритезації для великого ентерпрайз беклогу банку з іноземним капіталом. А також як це працює, нащо це треба і яких результатів ми досягли.